Welcome to RCCG RAPAC

Redeemers Aids Initiative for People And Community (RAPAC) formerly known as Redeemed Aids Programme Action Committee was incorporated in Nigeria in 1997 as a benevolence arm of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), RAPAC’s mission is to bring hope to vulnerable people affected by negative social circumstances including HIV and AIDS through innovative Health, Education, and empowerment programs that
are sustainable and replicable. The main activities of RAPAC till date have focused on support for the less privileged/disadvantaged/displaced and focal group in the church and community in Nigeria. These intervention programmes includes; HIV/AIDS prevention for general population/most At Risk Population (MARP), Care and Support for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)/Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), Reproductive Health/family planning, Provision ART drugs for People living with HIV/AIDS, community TB care, Reproductive Health, Community/People Empowerment and Community development.
RAPAC currently has activities in 50 communities in 10 states of Nigeria spanning the six geo-political zones. Presently, the organization has 47 staff and over 2000 volunteers. RAPAC participated in the development of the National Plan of Action on OVC, the Standard Operational Procedures for OVC, National OVC Guidelines and the, National Reproductive health policy. RAPAC works directly in the community, and has been involved in the capacity building and mentoring of other non-governmental and community based organizations (CBOs) in the communities. It has particularly built the capacity of these organizations in Community Counseling and Humanity support- Competence framework, (A community mobilization approach that promotes community reflection around OVC needs and concerns and helps communities plan and implement appropriate/sustainable activities). RAPAC’s works and best practices have received recognition at national and international conferences.
RAPAC is currently noted for her framework for community childcare, PMTCT support group program, which is currently implemented in Lagos, Oyo, Edo, Benue, Ogun and FCT (Abuja) in Nigeria.
RAPAC’s faith based approach and program for community mobilization to strengthen the capacity to respond effectively to HIV/AIDS was published in the final report of USAID’S ImplementIng AIDS preventIon AnD Care (ImpACt) project (http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDACL276.pdf).
So far RAPAC has render assistance and care to over 18,000 spread across Lagos, Oyo, Cross River, Edo, Benue and FCT (Abuja). Over 50,000 People living and affected by HIV/AIDS have benefitted from care and support programmes implemented in all focal states.
The combination of RAPAC extensive experience in the field of social and public health, its effective community mobilization, involvement and project support strategies, it’s technical partner support coupled with experienced board members/staffs and overall credibility with national and local government, organizations, communities, and the existing partner capacity and synergy to scale up community development and health project put the organization in good stead to effectively address social and health responses.

Our Vision is to be a prosperous global village evidenced by improved spiritual, health, physical, and economic well-being.

Our MIssion is to empower the church and its host communities towards living a healthier life through spiritual support system, strategic behavioral change communication, access to health information and services as well as quality economic empowerment and educational interventions.

Our Strategic Focus

RAPAC is committed to taking holistic steps in the design and provision of innovative programmes and the implementation of sustainable activities to achieve our mission. To this extent, our organizational focus areas are:

  • Family strengthening
  • Prayer Cycle
  • Spiritual Counseling
  • Rehabilitation
  • Leadership development training for pastors/ministers/counselors/ men /women and youth.
  • Gender response training (Gender Based Violence (GBV)
  • Civic right education.
  • Provision of Vitamin A yellow cassava stems to households for food support
  • Establishment of fish farming for income generation and family sustenance.
  • Training of unemployed youth on fish farming and Vitamin A yellow Cassava, cultivation in the production of cassava flour, Cake, Custard etc.
  • Provision of technical support for trained youth on fish/cassava Vitamin A farming for bountiful yield.
  • Entrepreneurship/Income generating activities
  • Business management training
  • Vocational training for teenagers and youth
  • Life Skills Training teenagers and youths
  • Emotional intelligence training for church and community members
  • Financial intelligence/management training for church and community members
  • Provision of clothing materials in conjunction with RCCG welfare department in the parishes
  • Food support in collaboration with Pastor In Charge of Parish’s wives
  • Promotion of Universal Basic Education through provision of scholastics
    support/Reintegration of vulnerable children into government owned schools
  • Health education information for natural group in the church, pregnant women and midwives at the RCCG maternities.
  • Medical outreach.
  • Rehabilitation of mentally challeged/destitute.
  • Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission
  • Family planning counseling
  • Referral and linkages
  • Family Strengthening Education.
  • Teaching on family values.
  • Family Life and Health Education (FLHE)
  • Parent Child Communication.
  • Child protection and safeguarding.
  • Interpersonal communication and counseling training for pastors/ministerscounsellors and all natural groups in the church
  • Participatory methodology training for children/teens/youth teachers and parent